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Posts posted by ShararehMirbagheri

  1. I have an Old OIT (Brand name is IDEC) which the screen is dead. I ve got an other OIT To replace it . but I need the progrgram to be donload from the previous one and upload to the new one. Does anybody know which software I can program IDEC OIT ? Any help? Appreciated. Sarah.

  2. I have a simple St code ! Which in it I used JMP but it gives me error " E1206 usage of jump statements is disabled" Please HELP. if Period = t#0s then JMP SkipLogic; end_if; RecycleTimer(NOT RecycleTimer.Q, Period); if RecycleTimer.Q then PeriodCapture := IN; end_if; PeriodDelta := ABS(PeriodCapture - IN); Alarm := PeriodDelta > Delta; SkipLogic: E1206 usage of jump statements is disabled