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About jpam

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  • Country Spain
  1. I have set periodic task with period of 10 ms, and I have set 90 ms as setpoint and 10 ms as timebase, anyway it is not accurate, it is more accurate, but it has about 7% error
  2. hello, i have found how to set the timescan to periodic, but, can anyone tell me how can i set to periodic in unity pro (thats because I want to check it in the simulator (only available in unity pro)
  3. how can I set the timescan to periodic in pl7 pro? thanks in advance
  4. yes that´s how i do it the same mark is for resetting the timer, so according to you, what i should do is adjust the preset time according to the scan time, is like that? the scan time is always the same?
  5. I don´t understand what you are saying and it´s quite urgent for me, please, what I do, is using a timer with timebase 10 ms and preset of 100 (1 second) that attaches an auxiliar mark that produces a pulse, I use this mark in other two tasks for counting the number of seconds of working of two different machines, and as I said, the fault of accuracy, I think is due to the scan cycle, please PLC rune or Chud could you explain what you suggest, maybe an example or image. Thank you very much
  6. I have used a 10 ms timebase timer with 100 as setpoint (1 second), but it´s the same, it is not exact, maybe it can be done with a fast task? or maybe is it possible to reduce the scan time? can anyone help me?
  7. Hello, I need to set a 1 second timer in a TSX 572623 plc with pl7 pro, the question is that using %s6 bit (1 second pulse) the timer is not exact enough, the program is 98 kb, not too big I think, I use the %s6 attaching to a positive pulse auxiliar mark in one section of the program and i use this mark %M in the rest of the program, but as i said, it is not quite exact, measuring the time displayed in a HMI connected to the plc, 40 seconds in the program (displayed in a HMI), it´s 47 seconds in a chronometer, it is not exact at all as I said, how can I solve this problem, can anyone help me? Thanks
  8. Hello i need to write a very long net in unity pro, the maximum length is 11, can I continue the net in the net below net using a conditional jump to a label? I have been trying but it doesn´t work, the net below is executed dispite the net above is not true as seen in the image attached, can anyone tell me how to continue a net that is too long? Thanks
  9. Hi, i want to know if in this schema the inputs "enclav" and "pe" will set the output "Tpm_Eq" or only will reset the "Boc_aut" Output. I think the current flow in ladder goes from left to right, but I´m not sure, can anyone help me?