panic mode

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Files posted by panic mode

  1. simple backup utility

    simple command line backup utility. monitors one folder and when files of given type are detected, they are copied to another location (or two). original can be deleted or renamed. to avoid typing, all options are stored in an INI file. if missing, this file is created once the program is started... successful actions are highlighted in green, failed ones are red. this should also work on older Windows such as Win2K (tested) and WinXP (not tested). 
    use at own risk, this was literally something i just winged... if there is a bug or feature required, let me know. i will try to get to it as time allows. 



  2. Automated Manufacturing Systems; PLCs - Lab Guide

    original post removed by accident while trying to modify broken link. sorry. here is the manual again.
    hugh jack - lab manual EGR 450.pdf



  3. KR175 SPOT Manual

    Manual for KR175 Spot



  4. KRC4 Compact Optional Interfaces

    KUKA, Optional Interfaces for KRC4 Compact controller such as I/O, fast measure interface etc.



  5. KUKA: IIWA (collaborative robot, 7 axis)

    KUKA: IIWA is a collaborative robot with 7 axis, built in force sensors on all axes, built in mastering tool etc.



  6. KUKA: Sunrise Controller (Collaborative)

    KUKA: Sunrise controller
    It is very similar to KRC4 compact but for collaborative robot (IIWA)



  7. Updated

  8. Updated

  9. KUKA: Agilus

    KUKA: Agilus six axis



  10. KUKA: KRC4 compact

    KUKA: KRC4 UL Compact Operating Instructions



  11. KUKA: KRC4 NA UL Operating Instructions

    KUKA: KRC4 NA UL Operating Instructions



  12. KUKA: Operating and Programming Instructions for System Integrators (KSS8.3)

    KUKA: Operating and Programming Instructions for System Integrators (KSS8.3)



  13. KUKA: CREAD/CWRITE manual

    KUKA: Cread, Cwrite KSS 8.2, 8.3



  14. KUKA: WorkVisual 4.0

    KUKA: WorkVisual 4.0



  15. KUKA: System Variables KSS8.x

    KUKA: System Variables KSS 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4




  16. NT31 data entry

    Attached file is sample basic HMI application for Omron NT series HMIs.
    It shows how to do numeric and string input and it contains compact
    version of ASCII keyboard which will fit NT31 (will work on any other NT screen)
    which is something my version of NTST does not include and keypads for 620
    screens don't fit (NTST menu Windows Symbol Manager).
    Note when creating keypads they have to be in "1-3999 (Window/Keyboard)"
    while normal screens are in folder "1-3999 (Standard)"
    When creating new keypad from scratch:
    create new keyboard screen note dashed line rectangle. that indicates size
    of the popup window. all new keys/buttons must fit inside (what doesn't fit
    into frame will not be downloaded to HMI and will not show up)
    when creating standard screen:
    drop numerical input or string input object onto screen. note that there are
    two overlapped objects that are linked. one of them is tied to PLC memory and
    specifies focus type (i changed it from flashing inverted to just inverted).
    the frame around it is touch switch object which brings popup window
    (Input Key window/keyboard specify keyboard screen number).
    you can have different functions assigned to touch switch.
    pay attention to cursor location or you may end up overwriting wrong value.
    objects on screens interact with tables (numeric string etc.).
    tables contain reference to PLC memory locations.



  17. SLC500 Measure Resistance

    This was one of my early projects. I had to measure resistance in pretty
    wide range on a delicate circuit (subject was changing value and in range
    from few ohms to more than 1MOhm).
    Normally I would have used something like RTD transducer but I just couldn't
    find anything suitable for that range (every transducer I could find was
    stopping at some 8 or 10k i needed at least 100x more).
    The time was running out so I had to put something together and fast.
    This is it. Initially this circuit was using dedicated regulated
    low voltage power supply but since I had spare analog input(s)
    I replaced that power supply with voltage divider (Panel had existing
    24VDC power supply) and simply had to monitor that voltage because
    it was not regulated any more (the 24VDC was regulated but the output
    of divider was changing depending on test conditions).
    Although we like to avoid custom designs this turned out to be so simple
    cheap easy to use and worked extremly well. It is so small that there
    was no need for PCB two resistors ware connected directly to terminals.
    Accuracy off course could not match the 8-digits of precission benchtop
    multimeter but it was on pair with my multimeters which is more
    than I could ask for. I didn't test it for significant ambient changes
    (temperature and humitity).
    There are several ways to do the math for this and in fact used aproach is
    not the simplest or most efficient. But it is good example on how simple
    DC circuits knowledge and very basic match can be used in practice.
    R1 and R2 are not critical and don't need to be accurate either (just need to
    produce voltage that fits selected range for used input card.
    It is robust enough. In fact I was surprised to see results when R1/R2 ratio
    was adjusted to produce only 1 Volt (what kind of ADC they have in their cards?).
    ----- EDIT ----
    Download Link currently doesn't work so just click on
    "Click here for to join forum discussion"



  18. Pick and Place

    I just tried to contribute a little for our Mitsubishi section.
    This ladder code was written for FX PLC but it will work with
    little or no changes on any PLC. For those who don't have
    software I provided pdf version of the printout (it doesn't
    look nearly as good as on screen version but I don't have or don't know
    way to change that - i don't remember need to print plc program in
    such a long time...). Maybe someone will like screenshot version...
    Sequencer is counter based. This imaginary machine uses only three
    pneumatic actuators (gripper lift and transfer) with reed switches
    there is pair of photoeyes and it even controls two conveyors.
    Load conveyor runs until part reaches photoeye then it waits for
    pick and place to pick part. Unload side conveyor moves just
    enough to make room for next part and then stops.
    Program sections include alarms sequencer etc and has
    auto manual and step mode. Step mode is same as auto but
    intended for step by step execution which can be very handy for
    troubleshooting. I hope someone will like it because it took me
    nearly two hours to make darn thing and about half an hour
    to make those pdfs.



  19. IB_NA_66057-C - The A0J2 Programming manual

    The A0J2 Programming manual



  20. MR-J2S-xxA Servo Drive (SH_NA_030006-J)

    Manual for MR-J2S-xxA servo



  21. SH_NA_3179-F (MR-J2-nC Servo Amp)

    Manual for Servo Amiplifer MR-J2-nnC



  22. AutoPlay for CDs (autorun.inf)

    if you have tried to make own cd with autoplay you may have noticed that
    AUTORUN.INF only works on executables (exe or bat for example) but what if
    discs with data you want to share with customers for example only contains documents
    like presentations spreadsheets PDFs etc.?
    one can easily make BAT file with START "MY_DOCUMENT" but the downside is
    that command line box shows up during loading etc.
    there are numerous programs on the internet that can take care of that but
    all i was able to find was not free (well it could be there i didn't look too hard).
    this is why this little program is made. it is based on ShellEx API
    it's simple to use simply specify inside INI file what document you want to open when disc is inserted
    and edit AUTORUN.INF to be something like this:
    note that AutoPlay.exe looks in AutoPlay.ini for line OPEN=
    and file name should be enclosed by quotation marks
    for example OPEN="My Presentation.ppt" or "New Developments.pdf"
    also AUTOPLAY.INI must be in same folder as AUTOPLAY.EXE
    to make your disc start properly when inserted you need:
    4. end user PC that don't have autoplay feature turned off (sorry can't control everything)
    and before i forget:
    AutoPlay.exe does not handle your files. it simply tells Windows to open them.
    in other words target pc should have installed software to handle specified file type or
    the moment of glory will be...well without glory...
    good luck



  23. IB(NA) 66236C

    User Manual for A2C I/O unit



  24. Controlling another application with VB.NET

    Small demo how to write program that uses another application (any). In this demo (VB.NET source included) remote application is Windows Calculator.
    Things to note:
    - launch check if running and close remote app
    - issue commands such as minimize maximize and restore (note that this works even if actual icons in upper right corner are grayed out this only prevents access in normal use not when accessed remotely like through API)
    - read and write text from/to remote app (also works if user cannot see remote app like when minimized etc.).
    - issue mouse clicks (to be effective should not be affected by user moving mouse cursor and should not interfere with user interaction with computer)
    - it can focus on and control specific instance of the application (try to run several Calculators) etc.
    panic mode
    PS. To really see what is inside remote app you want to manipulate (check class caption etc.) you will need program like ShowWindow



  25. Communication setup when using Panasonic GT display with Omron PLC

    Step by step instructions on comm setup of Panasonic GT series HMI and Omron PLC (CJ1M in this case)

