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Everything posted by dank06

  1. CX Designer Screen Control

    Thanks for the programming tip! offtopic: Is there any resource that you have come across that teaches good programming tips...or a sort of standard I can follow when programming? For instanc, in web programming, there is strict XHTML and there are certain standards that need to be met Is there something similar for PLC programming?
  2. CX Designer Screen Control

    Ok ... I understand now (and got it working), thanks so much for your help! :)
  3. CX Designer Screen Control

    Um, that doesn't help too much really...are you able to explain a little clearer? Here is the procedure I would follow for the instructor's screen. For lesson A, use a Command button to switch screens .. the address to write to is $SW0 .. that will contain say '5' when I select lesson A (and '3' when I select lesson B) On student's screen what do I do for settings? /edit, i understand now, but how do i write the value to $SW0 on student's screen without student interacting with that screen?
  4. CX Designer Screen Control

    I've done a little more research and it looks like I do need a macro to accomplish my task, but I have another problem (explained below) @BobB: I cannot do that since a Command button cannot really be associated to a bit. @gtusuport: I have to program an instructor's operating station and the student's operating station. The student should has limited access to only one screen at a time, based on what the instructor is using as a lesson. For instance, if the instructor chooses lesson A, student should have student screen A. As soon as the instructor selects lesson B (even while in session whith lesson A), student's screen should switch to student screen B. problem: I can do the above control with a macro, but it requires input on the student's screen first. For instance, my current macro (on student's screen - currently tied to a commmand button to 'begin session') is: READCMEM($W1,[SERIALB:00030],1); IF($W1==5) 'If instructor selects screen 5 on instructor station SHOWPAGE(1); 'show page 1 on student screen ELSEIF($W1==4) 'If instructor selects screen 4 on instructor station SHOWPAGE(0); 'show page 0 on student screen ENDIF; Instructor's station macro (tied to command/switch screen button - same macro tied to lesson A and B) is: WRITECMEM([SERIALA:00030],$W1,1); 'Write the screen number in $W1 to the PLC word 30 This will work, but only at project startup. When I choose lesson B for instance, as soon as I do that, the screen should switch to lesson B for the student.
  5. NOTE: CAN A MOD MOVE THIS TO OMRON SECTION PLEASE A couple of questions: My network is set up in the following way: PC --> PLC --> PT (NS10) 1. Is it possible to download the screens from my PC to the NS10 trhough the PLC? ...If so, how? ... or can someone point me to a resource? /edit: found out how to do this 2. I need to change the port that the NS10 uses to communicate to the PLC from from port A to port B. Do I have to change every single address on the NS10 screens to SERIALB in CX Designer v1.01 or is there a sort of excel file I can export addressing to, change it with find and replace (SERIALA to SERIALB) and import that file back into the NS10? ...everything i've tried is not working. /edit: 3. Is it possible to have a master/slave configuration with two Programmable Terminals (touch screens)? eg PC --> PLC --> PT (NS10) --> PT (NS10) Any help is appreciated :)
  6. NS Programmable Terminal Communication

    I'm sorry, :P PLC is an Omron CJ1M CPU 13 PT = Programmable Terminal = HMI = touch screen NS10 = model of the touch screen We are communicating serially between all devices.