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Everything posted by ParaffinPower

  1. Relative Move NX1P2 and 1SN drive

    This is true for everything :)
  2. Recipes using NB HMI + CP1

    Hello Here's an example for how I would use NB recipes. In the NB, recipes are stored in area RW. The RWI area point to the SAME adressess, but has an index (contained in LW9000) added on. So if LW9000 = 10, then RWI100 would actually point to RW110. In the example, the recipe shape is a STRING of 8 characters (4 WORDs) and and INT (1 WORD), so the 'index' between records in 5 WORDs. You can see this behind the 'Record+' and 'Record-' buttons. I think that the functions to upload/download a recipe always start from RW0 (I'm not 100% sure of this!!) The recipe editor is just a tool to enter initial values.
  3. E-Designer

    Hi Clandy Give Beijer in the UK a bell. Excellent team.
  4. File Name: CP1L and CP1H EasyModbus FB File Submitter: ParaffinPower File Submitted: 9 Mar 2008 File Category: PLC Sample Code Ideally suited to multiple Omron inverters connected on Modbus RTU network and where the Omron FB is too memory hungry.<br />Reads <u>upto</u> 16 registers from register 20 and writes to two registers (Fixed at 1 and 2). <br /><br />Set the serial port to Serial Gateway and set the baud rate to match the inverters. Inverter default is 81N. In the V1000 set H5-01 to the address. It must start at 1 and have no gaps.<br />The baudrate works upto 115200 (with V1000)<br /><br />Data format suits V1000 F7 E7. Don't use for V7 or J7.<br /><br />Data is only written on a change. The change is managed in the PLC NOT in the inverter. Data is read sequentially from node 1 to 'MaxNodes'.<br /><br />Not tested on CP1L-L (one serial port version). I think its Easy modbus addresses are different to two port versions.<br /><br />You can choose addresses within CIO only.<br /><br />Refer to any inverter manual for modbus addresses. Edit: the CP1L 14/20 use port two EasyModbus addresses. I think you can select Port 2 but set port 1 to Serial Gateway. Can someone try this?? Click here to download this file
  5. Good Quality Affordable HMI & SCADA

    Beijer x2 family mate
  6. daylight readable omron HMI solution?

    Beijer make a great daylight readable Hmi which talks Ethernet/ip to NJ or NX controllers.
  7. How to set MX2 so it starts ("RUN") automatically after power on

    Wire the run signal through the 'ready ' output relay
  8. GOT recipe record list.

    Beijer's X2 and their old E1000 handle recipes infinitely better.
  9. E1012 to GOT2000 conversion

    I've found the e1000 to Beijer iX conversion tool a better bet. And you end up with a better Hmi, too. Included in iXDeveloper
  10. What is the benefit of using Structured programming?

    I think this is a problem specific to Mitsubishi, confirming my opinion that it should be thrown in the bin.
  11. E-Designer Software

    Still for sale, it's not expensive.
  12. CP1L EM as Modbus tcp client.

  13. CP1L EM as Modbus tcp client.

    Hello Not used Cp1L in a long time. Can the CP1L EM be a Modbus Client? Is there a FB? And if yes, can it talk to multiple servers? Thanks
  14. NA bad responsiveness

    Is it not just a slow Hmi? 
  15. 'Slave Application Error" with NX-ECC20x

    The 'backplane' connection with the Nx I/O is rubbish. I had endless problems with a system. This was one of the million errors that would randomly appear. Omron recommend cleaning the contacts and fitting clamps either end to hold it together. Of course, ether cat is not a silver bullet and all usual noise mitigation techniques are required. Pp 
  16. Hello I have a motorised gas valve. There is no feedback. I'd like to control a temperature with it. Is there a preferred methodology?  I'm still at the 'open it, wait, gauge the reaction'. Is this the only option open to me? Thanks 
  17. Temperature control; motorised gas valve

    Thanks for the replies.  Your last guess is right. It stays where I leave it. I can move the actuator but then do I have to wait to monitor the temperature response? 
  18. WD30 and Hostlink

    This is technically possible, although it's ill-advised. My reasoning is as follows: 1. You'd need a Devicenet card in each remote plc rack in addition to a WD30 slave. 2. You'd need an additional CJ PLC with a Dnet card just to act as, in essence, a media converter. 3. The WD30 range is discontinued so you'd be scouring Ebay. Better would be to investigate the WE family, ie Ethernet-based if you have ethernet hardware on the PLC rack already. It may be more cost-effective to hang these on your existing factory network. Pp
  19. R88D-KN0-2ML Inputs

    The CN1 Emergency stop is not safety rated. CN8 provides the PLd safety function. The estop signal on CN1 is (IMHO) redundant. For tidiness, I'd disable (servo off) the drive via ML2 aswell when the emergency stop is called for. Pp
  20. G5 Servo Motor Too Slow

    The max speed quoted for the ballscrew is a mechanical constraint. Your figure have neglected accel and decel. You haven't provided a follo up to the fact you were asking for 82.5 rps earlier. See one of my earlier responses. To achieve 300 mm/s, the speed command needs to be 300,000 (assuming units are as previously discussed) What result does this give? The drive itself applies the accel and decel. The drive will triangulate the motion profile if the position command you request is too short to achieve your speed with the drive's accel and decel. These are parameters pn811 and pn814 in the drive. This is detailed in manual w426. The accel and decel will have been determined during sizing. Pp
  21. G5 Servo Motor Too Slow

    1650000 translates to 82.5 revs per sec of the motor, or 4950 rpm. Without an error code I'm guessing here, but the max motor speed (not rated speed) is 5000 rpm. You'll have some loss of torque at this speed so this could cause trouble, or to close the loop the servo may need to go in excess of 5000 rpm and it won't want to do this. 1.65m/s sounds pretty quick for a ballscrew. What's its max? Pp
  22. G5 Servo Motor Too Slow

    Pn009 and Pn010 are the electronic gear ratio numerator and denominator respectively. They combine to translate your user units (mm, degrees whatever) into the motor's encoder resolution. If you have an incremental encoder G5 motor, you have 2^20 encoder edges per rev (1048576 pulses). You need to know the distance, in units, that the axis moves for this motor rev. For instance, if you have a 5mm ballscrew the numbers would be 1048576 and 5. Caveat: the ratio must be between 1/1000 and 1000. The high res encoder means that this combination is illegal, so rather than mm, your units could end up as hundredths of mm or even microns. Using my 5mm ballscrew, I'd go for 1048576 and 5000 to achieve a micron resolution (better than the ballscrew, certainly!) The numbers that you poke at the axis for position and velocity are now in microns and microns/sec respectively, so you need some big numbers to get the axis moving at speed. You can now think in length units, not rpm. The position and speed parameters are DINTs, so there's plenty to go at. Pp Edit: Section 6-6 of the manual explains the electronic gear ratio perfectly.
  23. Working with arrays

    Hi Arrays need to be IN_OUT and you need a CJ2 or a v4 CJ1. An alternative if you're using CP1 is define the arrays as INTERNALS and use AT addressing. Pp
  24. Timer in function block with CP1L-E

    Hi Attached is a Ladder FB invoked from a ST FB. Also...I noticed a bug. This is the fix. (*Test for product arriving*) If nDistanceToGo<=0 AND nEntryCount>0 then bArrived:=true; nEntryCount:=nEntryCount-1; nStackPointer:=nStackPointer-1; ELSE bArrived := false; END_IF;Do you want to extend the Arrived output? I'd just put a line of Ladder after the FB call to do this. ST hosts
  25. Timer in function block with CP1L-E

    Hello Two things. Bits N Bytes is right that TIMX needs the checkbox checked...however...the CP1L does NOT support the TIMER datatype in ST. It's only available in CJ1 (V4) or any CJ2. The tidiest way I've found of using a timer in a ST FB is to create a LADDER FB with just a TIMER (internal), Start (Input BOOL) and a Timer Done (Output BOOL). You can then nest this inside your ST FB. Let me know if you want to see an example. Pp