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About funfrok

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  1. FX2n-32can to Fx3u-canopen

    Is it still possible to download sample program, I ran into similar situation. Thanks.
  2. Did you manage to use predefine protocol? It looks like, to use predefined protocol is harder than to program the protocol. Also there are function blocks for Modbus serial and Modbus TCP in My Mtisubishi website. Also did anyone used Ethernet/IP with Mitsubishi controllers?
  3. System Time

    For FX series, TRD function can be used. It is similar to DATERD function of the Q series.
  4. Version Control Software

    They are referring to this company, i think. It is merged into JTEKT,
  5. Citect Alarm Logging Custom Fields

    It looks like the problem is fixed with Service Pack 4 (Citect 7.20).
  6. Citect Alarm Logging Custom Fields

    I tested with Digital Alarms and custom fields are logged. So there is a bug in Citect which prevents logging of Time Stamped Alarms custom fields. Well done Schneider!
  7. Hello, I use SQL device for alarm logs. Alarm logging function works, records for alarms being on,off and acknowledge are created in sql table. I'm using sql file format as: {LocalTimeDate,25}{OFFDATE,15}{OFFTIME,15}{DeltaTime,10}{AckDate,15}{AckTime,15}{Name,70}{SUMDESC,120}{Priority,3}{FullName,35}{UserName,50}{Area,5}{Category,5}{CUSTOM1,64}{CUSTOM2,64}{CUSTOM3,64} All fields are recorded successfully except CUSTOM1,CUSTOM2 and CUSTOM3 fields. I tried casing like "Custom1", but it didn't work. Empty string is recorded for these fields. I'm using timestamped alarms with CUSTOM1,CUSTOM2 and CUSTOM3 fields not empty. Do you know how to record these fields? Thanks
  8. iQ Works Q & A

    As i see, Gx Works 2 Version 1.87R (06/18/2012) supports Redundant PLC but with Simple Ladder mode only. I hope structured ladder will be available soon. Does anyone know about development status for this?
  9. iQ Works Q & A

    What we need is, ability to develop structured project for redundant PLCs. Right now we are stuck with GX IEC Developer.
  10. Vijeo Historian Problem

    Are there anyone who use Vijeo/Citect Historian. In catalogs they advertise easy reporting of trends and alarms but i couldn't make it work. I'm trying for two days. Always there are problems. I'm getting this exception in windows event logs 1/7/2012 2:04:59 PM Citect.Historian.ServiceCore.Common.HistorianDBNotConfiguredException: Historian database has not been configured. at Citect.Historian.ServiceCore.DataStore.SQLDataStore.connecting(Object stateInfo) I configure historian database. I do Historian Data Manager setup but settings aren't saved (It seems but when PC is restarted they are lost) and data isn't logged. What can be the problem? Also exceptions like this. 07.01.2012 18:16:21 Failed to add attribute: REDUND.CLUSTER_1.M101 to Historian. Check attribute type or duplicated attributes, Stack Trace: System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot perform the attempted operation as the datastore is not in the ready state. konum: Citect.Historian.ServiceCore.DataStore.SQLDataStore.AddDatasourceType(String name) konum: Citect.Historian.HistorianConfiguration.Historian.addDataItem(DbDataReader dataItemRow) konum: Citect.Historian.HistorianConfiguration.Historian.addDataItems()
  11. how and which comments are saved to the plc

    I can not see the picture. Thanks
  12. MX components and FX3U

    Try using FX2N instead. They are compatible.
  13. Communication with QPLC & PC with C#

    I'm using Mx Component with CSharp. You can use com objects with .Net. Vb.Net samples are installed with Mx Component installation. Also I developed a class for communicating with q plc over ethernet. I'm using it without problems. Melsec protocol is open, you can download it from Mitsubishi website. Best regards
  14. Mitsubishi Q plc - Internet

    Hello, Can you give a link to this product, i couldn't find anything. Thanks
  15. Accessing

    It works. Only without smart comboboxes for search categories.