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About disuja

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  • Country United States
  1. Hey everyone, I am working on a project that involves a Mitsubishi PLC & I have run into a bit of a snag with setting up communication between the PLC and a PC. I have got the basic wiring sorted but I am not sure about the best way to configure the software side of things. I have heard about using GX Works2 and GX Developer but I am unsure which one is the most effective for this kind of setup. Also; I have been trying to figure out how to establish communication using Ethernet but I keep hitting some roadblocks.  As well, I found these resources when doing research on this; https://forums.mrplc.com/index.php?/topic/38777-plc-to-sf-devplc-communication/ &  if anyone have any resources, tutorials or personal experiences please share with me, It would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you……. :)