Hi all
Just a few words about me. I am Nikolas or Nik. I am electrical engineer mostly in industry. My knowledge in automation is enough to excecute my duties as maintenace engineer. I can reed ladder and also i am able of microcontrollers programming only in c. During my 35 years of working in that sector i made some automation projects at work medium size but never were involving HDMI!! The truth is i like these things a lot and i am not afraid to try new things and get knolidge even at that age. Now lets go to my question.
I am building a house and i want to use automated systems.The general idea in the first stage, is to use master plc in the house with an HMI wall mounted in the entrance and connection in a private hub for using also an ipad as remote control in the house. This master will have 2 slaves. One for handling all the outside area and automated doors as the heating system from the garage building with a local HMI, the other will controll the swimming pool.
So get them all together can you advice a PLC that can have communication with wifi,other microcontroller boards(arduino or pic) and other PLC's with affordable price.