Jay Anthony

MrPLC Admin
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Posts posted by Jay Anthony

  1. TXD Transmit
    Operand 1 = Source word in PLC to transmit.  (Your DM0 must be set to the ASCii code to transmit)
    Operand 2 = Control Word which sets port number (#0000=RS232)
    Operand 3 = Number of BYTES to transmit less start & end code.  (2 is not enough.)
    AR8.05      = On when port is not busy

    Please use the original code in the sample program for CQM1.  Your settings are stll set to default.  Download the settings from the corrected CQM1 code.

  2. Quote

    i use to write command 0102 and data is 0x0033.

    What register are you writing?


    but than i read this memory and it is 0x0013..

    Are you writing to actual I/O?  If so the hardware may be turning off the sixth bit,  Is there code in the PLC?  If so, the program could be turning off the sixth bit.  Try the command with the PLC in program mode.