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About Erik_

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  • Country Norway
  1. Hi, I have a reset button for a safety function, and I want it to either flash in one state or light up constantly in another state. However, I can't find a pulse generator in the safety Function Block (FB) in Sysmac Studio. Do you have any tips or suggestions on how to achieve this? Kind regards, An Apprentice
  2. Hi, I have a reset button for a safety function, and I want it to either flash in one state or light up constantly in another state. However, I can't find a pulse generator in the safety Function Block (FB) in Sysmac Studio. Do you have any tips or suggestions on how to achieve this? Kind regards, An Apprentice
  3. Hi, im doing safety programing and then im testing the program some of the lines wont change state. the lines that are green is true ans black is false. but why are some of the lines yellow? any smart fellows that have an idea? many thanks