
MrPLC Member
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Everything posted by Benji000

  1. Hello everbody i need a little bit of help with my counter. So basically i have a counter that shows numbers on a hmi screen and when the counter counts down from 10 000 to 1000 i need to create a function that make that my right numbers picks up the numbers from the middle counter and countinues to count down. any tips on how to program this in cs/cj
  2. Adding time

    Hello im working on CS/CJ I basically need tips on how to add time(1 year) to my instruction block which is a "=(300)" block. my seq is that after the whole sequence is done its going to add one extra year to the hex numbers and its going after the RTC
  3. Hello everybody Im going to have function were a pop up screen is going to come on a hmi screen every time you push the start button and its going to be like this 14 days then its going to go back to normal (no pop up page) im wondering if anyone knows a good way to program this in a CS/CJ Environment ?
  4. day counterdown

    Hello i need to make a program something that counts down 365 days from a set date. and i cant really find a instructions for it, does anyone know a way to program something like this thanks for any help
  5. day counterdown

    Sorry if im being a bit annoying but can you tell me what you connect to what in the instructions bit. if you have some time 
  6. day counterdown

    Yh my coustmer is going to be able to adjust when they want to have the service can be activated
  7. day counterdown

    Thank you for the help i will definitely try this way thanks. 
  8. day counterdown

    Sorry if my question was a bit unclear. So basically im creating a service function and i need to find a way to keep track of real time clock firstly 365 days and later on im going to have a pop up screen for around 14 days and then reset everything and it should start counting a new year. Hopefully i made it a little bit clearer