
MrPLC Member
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Everything posted by Garcia

  1. Seems a bit hacky but I guess it's better than nothing. I am surprised that Mitsubishi would not think of this. Thanks for the suggestion.
  2. I have a huge confusion regarding the retentive timers on FX3GE. According to the programming manual for FX3G(image attached), all retentive timers use the EEPROM. This is very confusing to me because the retentive timers are modifying the measured time constantly in an EEPROM register and EEPROM type of memory is known to be write limited. After a couple of million write cycles the EEPROM registers burnout. I've experienced this myself by constantly using the T250 and after a while it became unusable. The timer stopped counting time after some time. This leads to my decision that retentive timers on FX3GE PLCs are something that should бе used only on rare occasions so as to avoid EEPROM memory burnout. If this is true than the real question comes in: What is an alternative for using retentive timers on FX3GE when you want to measure time between two events. The instruction TTMR for teaching timer is appropriate however this instruction does not exist on FX3G series.