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About Covis

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  1. Servo Press Library

    Hello, I just got around to getting the servo press functionality up and running using the Omron SYSMAC XR-013 Servo Press Library. Assumptions The main goal is the modularity of the servo press system, which allows for the construction of both a stand-alone individual device and the installation in a complete machine or production line, as one of its functional parts, e.g. an element pressing station in an assembly machine with an automatic rotary table. In addition, the use of a ready-made control system eliminates the need to program the technological functionality of the servo press in the machine or production line controller. We parameterize data exchange via a communication interface, e.g. Profinet, Ethernet/IP, Modbus and I/O (StatusWord, ControlWord, Data). If anyone is interested, they can contact me. Below is a link to my video, where I show some basic servo press functionalities.  
  2. Hello I have project where I will be use EXLAR roller screw and UNIMOTION ball screw actuator like FTP, PNCE for module of servo press with controler NX1P2 and serwo 1S. I started instaled SYSMAC XR-013 Servo Press Library ( I have completed, connected and launched an evaluation kit containing a 1S drive and motor, an NX1P2 controller, a PNCE mechanical actuator with a force sensor. Does anyone have experience using this library? I am trying to use it, but the OMRON documentation for this library lacks explanations and configuration examples. I am ready to connect online (e.g. Anydesk) to launch and test some of its functions with someone who knows this library. WBR, COVIS.PL
  3. "Is there any parameter to setup on the drive to enable ethercat communication? " EtherCAT slave adress must be the same in project in SysmacStudio and parameter ECSA and ECAA . "How did you realized the control of the drive? with CIA402 profile? I mean, did you followed the Ethercat card manual about cmd word and status word bits?" See attached file (Sysmac Studio .smc2) Gobal Variables use standard PDO. I attached too SoMove file (.psx) " About the firmware of the card, does Schneider replaced the card or they give you istructions to update the firmware by yourself? " If you have card with firmware  versions from v1.9IE03 to 1.11IE01 work ATV320 (not all versions of the inverters firmware), from v1.12IE03 all versions of the inverters firmware all is OK. I am professionally associated with Schneider Electric, so I got a special program that allows you to update the firmware. I think that when you contact the official representative of Schneider Electric in Italy, they will either give you this program, or you can give them your card for a firmware upgrade. It's best to talk to a competent application engineer ATV320_07.psx ATV320_07.smc2
  4. I have just tested with a card with a newer firmware V1.EIE02 and it works.
  5. Hello, at this moment i am after talking with Schneider Electric about this problem. They have answer that fimware of communication card VW3A3601 i too old. I have version v1.3IE01 ant this is not operate with ATV 320. Only newer versions from v1.9IE03 to 1.11IE01 work ATV320 (not all versions of the inverters firmware), from v1.12IE03 all versions of the inverters firmware. When I have a card with a newer firmware, I will test it and write what the results are.
  6. I know function "Compare and merge" and I tried it but it is not work. I have official ESI files from Schneider Electric for ATV320, for VW3A3601. These files are installed properly in Sysmac Studio. I repeat my question. If any one have experience with connection by EtherCAT NX/NJ with ATV32, 320, 340 ? p.s.The same communication EtherCAT card VW3A3601 I use for communication the same NX1P2 with serwo Lexium32M, of course with the appropriate ESI file for this slave and comunication is OK. This show that connection, cable, and communication EtherCAT card VW3A3601 are correct. Mayby problem is in ESI files. Any ideas?
  7. Hello, hardaware: NX1P29024DT1 (ver1.18), frequency inverter Altivar ATV320U07M2B (ver. 2.7 IE32) and communication EtherCAT card VW3A3601 I have a few ESI files v.109, 111, 113, 114 instaled in Sysmac Studio in ESI Library. I can not establish connection between NX1P2 and ATV320 by EtherCAT. In Network cofiguration I add slave with Node Address 2. The same Address is in ATV320 (ECAA and ECSA - parameters). When I connect both I see "Network Cofiguration Verification Error" Code 84220000 and black cross on diagram "Not matched" in Sysmac Studio. On the communication EtherCAT card in Altivar LED1 Green Filickering (Link, activity) but LED2 is OFF (EtherCAT state: INIT). I see in Altivar that parameter ECSS (EtherCAT slave status) INIT. If any one have experience with connection by EtherCAT NX/NJ with ATV32, 320, 340 ? p.s. The same communication EtherCAT card VW3A3601 I use for communication the same NX1P2 with serwo Lexium32M, of course with the appropriate ESI file for this slave and comunication is OK.