Dimitry Stepanoff

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About Dimitry Stepanoff

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  1. Thank you so much for your help!  Apparently, the solution to the problem has been found. As soon as possible, I will check the solution
  2. Hi! Recorded two videos today: https://drive.google.com/file/d/172hILCVcjAKAi_tH3d2sPnUvIFQ3C5DC/view?usp=sharing – in the video, I upload a project from the controller. Immediately after downloading, I follow the links in the error list. It can be seen that the characters "e" are displayed immediately, I haven't had time to change anything in the program yet. It is also seen that inside the AOI "AXM" the missing input tag “HomeDone" has a value of 1. In the AOI code, “HomeDone" is not set to 1 anywhere, so this tag received the value 1 at the AOI input. I attached the AOI “AXM” code as a picture at the end of this post (I couldn't copy it as text, apparently there is protection)   https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g06G7-qzPdw1hv6UP15F82AWLRXONain/view?usp=sharing – in this video, I create a new input parameter TestBool in AOI "PneuAligner", make it required (as well as the existing Enable tag). After that, when executing VerifyController, two new error messages appear with a different text "Invalid number of arguments for instruction". Apparently, the reason for the problem of missing tags is not a change in the list of AOI input parameters by one of the programmers.   I have no way to contact the programmers who developed the project.   Have I answered all the questions? I ask you to ask more questions if this can solve the problem.   Maybe there are suggestions on how to solve the problem? Thank you for your help!
  3. Hello! Uploaded the project from the LOGIX 5343 controller (via the Upload menu item). There are no project sources. When executing Verify Controller, the same type of error messages are displayed: Error: Rung 0, PneuAligner, Operand 1: Invalid expression or tag. Error: Rung 16, Rejects, Operand 8: Invalid expression or tag. … Error: Rung 3, CTONOFF, Operand 6: Invalid expression or tag. It is not possible to download the project back to the controller, respectively (and this needs to be done due to the need to make changes to the work logic). At the same time, it turns out to switch to Online mode without problems, while in places where problematic blocks are called (Add-On Instructions), instead of missing tags, the inscriptions "1.0.0" and "0.0.0" with the tag value "??" are displayed. The inputs of the blocks to which the missing tags are fed are of the Bool type. RSLogix 5000 screenshots with a list of errors and problematic tags on the example of one error: "errors.png" - errors "inside Rejects online in Automatic mode.pnd" – tag value inside the block "outside Rejects online in Automatic mode.png" - tag value outside the block I would like to get help in answering questions: 1. How could there be blocks (Add-On Instructions) with missing tags in the controller, if the same project is not loaded back into the controller? 2. How does the controller handle the situation with missing tags (takes the value of the missing tag as a logical 0 or something else)? 3. What is the best way to solve the problem with filling the modified project into the controller? It is clear that you can substitute logical zeros instead of missing tags, but I would not like to take risks without understanding the consequences. Thanks!