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About ShawnCore

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  1. Omron C60K help

    Our small company ran into a huge problem... the battery in our Aqueous wash PLC exploded, and destroyed the PLC and Program along with it. We ordered a used PLC and the PRO15 programmer... but I honestly have no idea how to use it. There was a copy of the program printed out in the manual when our company bought the Aqueous wash system used. So I have the program on paper, but trying to learn about PLCs, PRO15 programmer, LSS/Syswin software... and then to recreate the program in the software, and transfer it to the programmer and PLC is very confusing for a complete amateur. I've never even seen a PLC before last week lol But I was wondering if I could get some pointers? I have every manual for CK60 Install/Operation, PRO15 Operation, and the Syswin software. The word/bits and all is a bit confusing and I can't really grasp it in a crash course over a few days.... but it's imperative we get our Aqueous up and running in the next week or so. I can't even find a good video tutorial on C60k/Syswin to explain it for Dummies like myself. Or someone could take a look at the program and let me know if its possible with the Syswin software? I can't understand all the different points on the KEEP outputs... adding the KEEP statement in the software doesn't look anything like the printout I have for line 0000 ... and it's only gonna get more confusing I'm afraid. One output has like 16 reference points that I have no clue how to add in the Syswin software. I've attached the pdf of the program printout, so if someone could please let me know if it's worth the trouble or just impossible... I would very much appreciate it. Thanks! And sorry if this is the wrong forum/topic. Shawn CORE Tech GPD AQUEOUS OMRON LADDER PROGRAM.pdf