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  1. Passing arrays to FUN/FB

    Hello. I am trying to develop some structured text POUs in Gx Works3 (function or function block) which are to do some calculations over array. Say it will be crc32. So I need to pass an array to such POU. It would be very nice if POU could work with array of arbitrary size. I have found some built-in functions which take arrays and their respective arguments have type of ANY16. But when try to declare an input variable of type ANY16 and use it with indexer I get the compile error that it is not an array. Also I tried to declare input variable as an array of the size of one element. It compiles but does not work.  As I understand, there is an index register that can help solving such problem but I have no idea of how to apply it to arbitrary input parameter. Does anybody know how to iterate over an array input parameter and how to declare it properly?