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About gnusmas

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  • Country South Africa
  1. D720S, RS485 comms

    That seems like 4 wire RS485, I initially used 2 wire RS485, I will later today try the 4 wire configuration.
  2. D720S, RS485 comms

    Can you eloborate more on interchange?
  3. D720S, RS485 comms

    Hello everyone. I am trying to communicate with a Mitisibishi 720S inverter using my laptop. Now I have the following setup. Using a cable with 2 RJ45 connectors on it. I bridged the following connections in the cable, since I want to use 2 wire RS485 connection. Bridged RDA with SDA, and I bridged SDB and RDB. I have a delta IFD6500 which is a RS485 usb to serial converter, it has a RJ45 connection on it. I configured the D720s according to the parameters found on Page 348, and afterwards I power cycled the inverter. Using FR configurator SW3 and setting up according to the parameters inside the inverter. When I click on "online" the display in FR configurator goes to Err immediatly and when it finally times out i get the following error code. "Communication Error Code: 0x80010101" Now i have checked the connections with a multimeter and I get no problems. And I followed the instructions in the FR Configurator and it still does not work. Any help please