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C200HE program prtection

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Hello. I work in coking plant in Poland and we operate C200HE CPU-42. I need to adjust PLC's program to new conditions of technology byt when i connected the PLC to PC and tried to upload program from PLC it turned out that the program is protected by password. Is there some software or hardware to break it? The firm which has programed our PLC is already not exist so we can't get the password normally. (sorry for my english)

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It is the policy of to discourage the proliferation of password cracking information. This does not make a statement as to our commitment to keeping a manufacturer's passwords inviolate, but we feel that is not the appropriate venue to discuss it. If two members agree with each other about sharing this information, there is no prohibition about contacting each other by private message to discuss the situation further. We are not righteous. We are not indignant. We are just cautious.

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