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Task Priority 16

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I have made a fat bloated program that runs too slow. I tried working under the philosophy that "Premature Optimization" is the biggest time waste in developing programs. Now my program takes to long to run and throws a task error. I am attempt to cut the primary task's cycle time down I tried to move programs that use IO to other tasks. Task 16 is supposed to be able  to handle IO but it doesn't come up as a selection choice of priorities for me. I can do 17 but I get errors trying to use IO variables at that priority level.

NX102-1200 controller, Sysmac Studio 1.30.1.

Should I be able make a task at priority 16?

I have some analog IO that I don't need to update every millisecond and I have some data and loop intensive FB's that only need to run once hour and I'd like to get them off my primary task's to-do list.

I'll be busy re-writing my program FB's to accept specific variables instead of bloated structured variables and converting and changing Lreal's to real's and some other Premature Optimization tasks so I can run the sucker. 

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NX102 and NX1P2 do not offer Task 16.  I/O must be done in Task 4.  Programs that need to run less often can be placed in Tasks 17 and 18.

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