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Convert 7 digit ascii (hex) to 32 bit Dword (dec)

2 posts in this topic

Dear all,

please can somebody help me out with the folowing challenge:

plc , Q06UDEHCPU

prog: GX Developer 

I recieve a 7 digits AScii ( HEX) code from a scanner and need to send these numbers to a Cognex  in the 32 bits decimal Double word.

There is an instruction from Ascii ( HEX) to Dword (HEX)   DHABIN  but i need it in (DEC). 

i also can pick out al the 7 carracters out if the ascii string and put them in a word but then i still have two 16 bit words and stil no 32bit Dword.

scanner does only send  0-9 and no other carracters


somebody have a good way to solve this ? that would be great!



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Certainly. What prevents you to use DDABIN instruction? Before the conversion, just move the datablock, given from the scanner, into an array of 6 words. Then, using the DDABIN convert the array into 2 integers (DWORD).

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