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Guest Ryan

SLC 5/05 Operating System

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All: I am currently looking at an SLC 5/05 and I was wondering if any of you could possibly answer some questions I have about the Operating System. *What is it written in? Its not just another ladder logic program right? *Is it possible to actually get at the code that is the OS? *Is ladder logic equivlent to assembly for the processor, or is it more of a high level language? Is there another more lower level language that can be used to program the SLC? If anyone has any clues about this stuff, I would really appreciate the help, thanks a lot!! Ryan

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If you have RSLogix 500 Professional, I understand you can write custom C++ scripts to alter the OS. I don't know of a lower-level language for programming the SLC; there are certainly older (and less capable programming software pkgs. that may still be available). Ladder logic is for the benefit of the programmer only; everything in the CPU is still ones and zeros.

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