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ProWorx nxt

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I am a contractor integrating a power generation system. My customer has supplied me with an old ProWork nxt version 2.2 to program a system that I estimate in ladder would be between 1000 and 2000 lines. I have a CPU 113-03. There is a significant amount of analog control (material and energy calculations, ramps, PID loops etc.) and I am of course under a hard deadline. Aside from problems with the IDE itself (if you can really call it that), the calculations are quite difficult to implement. 1.) In Traffic Cop when I look at an analog input module configuration I get four choices for the range selection 0..16000, 0..4095, 0..20000, and 0..25000 counts. Then I go into the register editor the largest number I can place into a register is 9999. Do I really have to change the range selection for my analog inputs to 0..4095 to be able to scale them? I loose 3/4 of my resolution. 2.) I am missing many important function instructions I can see in the help files such as EUCA (engineering unit conversion alarming) but are not present in my instructions set. Why can not access all of the instructions present in the help files? 3.) I cannot access the equation network editor..when I select EDIT/INSERT/........I do not see a new equation network appear as one of my options. huh? Is the situation is grim as it appears? I could lose my mind before this is done. This makes any other PLC programming software seem like a breeze. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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What resolution are your analog inputs anyway? If it really matters, then you want to use 16 bit math instructions, you can select to use a max 5 digits (65536) rather than 4 (9999), i believe this is all in the controller configuration. This will enable you to enter values higher than 9999 in all of your instructions that allow it. Be careful of the singed bits when using these instructions. Any instructions that aren't in your library will most likely be user loadables. Have to talk to your distributer about that one. I would do some reading on 984 ladder. Its a little different at first, but you will find it is dirt simple and you can accomplish anything you want with it.

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As for the equation networks one, make sure you've selected the right Quantum processor. You mentioned a 11303. In the controller configuration there will be 2 listed. There will be a 11303 and a 11303 V2. Make sure the controller you're using has at least a v2.0 firmware (use Exec Loader, or if it's never been updated, check the SV on the sticker on the top of the processor). Only V2 or better support equation networks. If it's not up to date, go to and download the latest executive.

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Thanks for your help. The processor 113-03 was configured in Traffic Cop and V2 was not an option. The processor revision can be made in Configuration/Controller Configuration "Change Controller Type". No problem after this selection was made. ProWorx, while a bit cumbersome, is a dead simple system, has a clear and flat memory structure and reverse polish notation math! Thanks again.

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