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DL440 comms

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Hi guys, I got a DirectSoft error message "comm error unlocking PLC" because my laptop hibernated whilst monitoring a DL450 (I got the error message back in the office after I powered the laptop up again). The PLC is still working ok but question is will it communicate with the laptop ok next time I need to connect? I'm new on this DL kit and don't want to trip my plant if I can avoid it. Fortunately we found a faulty instrument before the laptop bought it! Any help appreciated...

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I don't think you'll have a problem. I believe the CPU unlocks the exclusive ownership after a period of no communications (on the order of minutes). The next time you connect it should be just fine. When a PC goes online to the CPU for the purpose of programming it requests exclusive ownership of that CPU (lock). The lock prevents 2 PCs from attempting to modify the program at the same time. On exiting DirectSoft or in disconnecting the PC issues a command to the CPU that it is free again. Because it was no longer hooked up it couldn't verify this unlocking process so it issued the warning. As I said above - the CPU after a period of no communications - will release this lock by itself.

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Thanks b_carlton - that's what I was hoping!

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