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Sleepy Wombat

Wireless Power Transfer

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Hi all, I am doing a project with a car on a rail (inclinator lift) with wireless comms between the car and the control panel for selecting the various stopping stations ie level 1 thru level 4. All good so far with the system... it works. The car has a battery for the wireless system power. however, i am looking at options of charging the battery when it reaches say station 1. The product that interests me is from wieldmuller - however they are really dragging the chain in releasing the product... I have contacted another company, power by proxi, and again they seem to drag the chain in getting back... Has any one done something similar or know of an available product out there... Really only try to charge a damm battery, surely there must be other product out there... any response would be appreciated.. cheers Sleepy..

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I have seen a company that used an electro magnet on the cart that got its power of the rails. For the love of me I cannot remember the make of this charging unit. Will contact the company and try to find out

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