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CX Designer Macro for Date/Time $SW14-16

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Hi guys, I'm new to all this Omron equipment. I'm having difficulty with something I thought was straight forward. The following PT word are used for date/time info. $SW14 (min, sec) $SW15 (day, hr) $SW16 (year, month) For example if I simply link $SW16 (where bits 0-7 are month, and bits 8-15 are year) to a numeric display & input, I get only the month (11 for Nov.) to display. How can I strip out just the month or year. I assumed since just using $SW16 raw gave me the month, that I could swap the upper and lower bits using W10=SWAP($SW16,1); which would then provide the year when just using $W10, but all I ever see in the word is 0 when the macro executes. Is there a much easier way? Why is the result always zero?

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