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B&R PCI card

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hello experts, I am trying to used the program on CF card from old B&R Power Panel 4PP220.1043-75 with 3IF786.9 ePCI card. The new 4PP220.1043-75 has 3IF789.9 ePCI card. Problem is the the program does not run at all! Is there any way I can modify the CF program for this hardware change of ePCI card?? Any help is welcome. Thank you!

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Hello, It is not possible to modify the CF to operate the PP with a different aPCI card. To get a solution at this point changes in the application would be necessary. An exchange of the IF card in the hardware tree and a new compilation of the project would be necessary.

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One more question I wana ask about power panel that how can we calibrate its screen? Its touch is totally out of order. kindly friends help me as soon as possible thankyou! Edited by Engr_zq

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You can add a splash screen (use a timer and the ChangPage datapoint in the HMI to automatically switch to a main page after a few seconds) and make a full screen hotspot that uses the Calibration key type. Any button can be given the Calibration key type to start a calibration. Alternatively, you can use the VisAPI library to start a calibration from code. I used to send out machines that had a splash screen that waited for the drives to show up on the EPL network that used the full screen hotspot for calibration. I would also make it so if any of the spare inputs saw a positive edge it would use VisAPI to start a calibration.

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