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Guest durhamboy

Key Board Display GOT Screen

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I'm trying to make minor modifications to the layout of screens on a F940GOT screen using GT Designer. When I move some of the positions of some of the numerical diplays I am unable to select the the input by tapping the screen and hence bring up the input Key Board The problem is not consistnt but there appears to be an area in the middle of the screen that if I move an input to the area then it is impossoble to select. I'm new to all this so any suggestions would be welcome.

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You should check what firmware version your F940 has and what version of software you use. It is not incommon that Mitsubishi sells something that needs upgrading. Also, you wrote that you tried to tap on "numerical display" and keypad doesn't show up. Well it doesn't do it for indicator displays. It only works with objects for numerical entry. Make sure you didn't mix them up in your attempt to move them around...

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Hi, This is a problem that took us quite a while to figure out when we first started using the be fair though it IS mentioned somewhere in the manuals. Anyways, i'll bet that when you press the screen it always BEEPS, but not always does the numerical input keyboard pop-up? There is not a bug or a firmware issue, the touchscreen layout on the F940 you can think of as a grid layout, it's simply that the your figures or buttons require to cover at least one complete cell of that grid. If you don't, you'll get the beep, but the pop-up or page change will never happen. Make your links bigger, or place them more exactly to cover each cell. I have a screen with a grid object on it which we made which you can copy-paste onto any page you are making to let you see where the grid is. It's half-screen size, so shift it to either far left or far right. BAS00080.A9 Ian.

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.....I should have mentioned also, if you make a link that is many times bigger that 1 cell, then when you tap that link only the complete covered cells will be active and give you a response. I mention this because, if you make a link that is say 9 cells in size, i.e. 3 by 3, and lets say you didn't quite make it cover the 8 perimiter cells, then the only active cell is the center one........meaning that when somebody walks up to the F940 and tries to hit the link he's gotta do it dead center. Worth noting..... Ian.

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Thanks Ian This appears to be the problem. I nudged the numerical inputs up and down a fraction until I got each one to work. It makes it diffcult to make a neat layout of the screen! I have encountered a new issues which may be related. Originally when I inputted a new figure and pressed ENTER then the Key Board disappeared. Now I have to press enter and then press the little square at the top lefthand corner of the Key Board to get it to disappear. Any pointers to this one. Thanks Once Again Durhan Boy

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Hi, As far as I remember on the F940 we have to always press the little box at the top corner of also..... Not sure about the F940, but on the A985 I made up my own numerical input pop-up as the built in one looks total crap, I suppose the F940 isn't any different. Right click on any screen, select Screen Property and change the "key window setting". Make your own pop-up as 'window' type and just design up your own calculator type layout with touchkeys. Each touchkey has it's own keycode to give it it's function, button "0" = keycode 0030 button "1" = keycode 0031 button "2" = keycode 0032 button "3" = keycode 0033 etc....etc... button "-" = keycode = 002D button "." = keycode = 002E button "OK" = keycode = 000D button "C" = keycode = 0088 With this custom pop-up when you hit OK after entering your number the pop-up disappears automatically (with the A985 anyway). Again, hope that helps. Ian.

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