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Issues with RSView SE VBA

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How do I interact with the selected pen on a trend using VBA in RSView SE? I want to be able to do things such as hide the selected pen, or only change the scale for the pen selected. Also, how to I edit the contents of a tag using VBA? I realize these are pretty basic questions but I'm new at this, any help would be appriciated!

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I did use a lot of VBA for SE recently. I had an application that required reducing trend screen count. For this I used the SE VBA to show only group of tags selected by the screen. Do not remember active pen property, do not recall if it exists. But how I used the pen selection is by pen count method, which gives you the total number of pens in the trend. The pen number property can be used to make selected pens visible / invisible etc. or some other type of required manipulation on them. If I get time to look into it I will let you know. Guess you can search some more in the meantime. BTW VBA in SE does not have any issues as such. Only issues are that you sometime might see some irregularity while coding. For this you might need to reboot your machine, or stop / start running SE server / client. Probably the online editing features for VBA are not as well incorporated in SE as they are for Non VBA editing. And probably this feature will improve in future releases of SE.

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