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About JayFitz

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  1. NT20M download issue

    pins 2-2,3-3, female side 4-6,7-8 male side 4-5. This is the cable I used to upload from the working display. When I do the tool I/F comm test I do get an asci string.
  2. NT20M download issue

    Hello I have two NT20M units. Both have recently been repaired and allegedly read to go. The first one is a NT20M-DT131 c/w NT600M-LB122 interface. the two chips inside are RAM22-15 and NT20M-SMR32-E. I have a copy of a program that I recently uploaded from a working controller and I am trying to download it to this repaired one. I can select transmit mode. I am using an old win 95 pc with NTM support tool v4.2. When I tmx (F6) the tool times out and the display makes no motion to change. The current message on the display is Screen Data Corrupted. the second one is NT20M-DT131 and I am using the same comm card as above the chip set in this is permanent (not removable) Ram13-10 and NT20M-SMR01-E . As soon as it is powered the screen reads with no host I/F. Has any one nay ideas?