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About ClaytonD

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  1. Thanks Joe definitely going to put in a req for one of those cables as we have plenty of 5/03's and under all around the plant. Just heard from the Linx tech support and got the sequence and characters right. This is what they sent. 17 characters for message name. FORD in sending: 1B       ; ESC 02        ; STX 1E        ; Load Message 46        ; 1 of 16           F 4f         ; 2 of 16           O 52        ; 3 of 16           R 44        ; 4 of 16           D 00        ; 5 of 16 00        ; 6 of 16 00        ; 7 of 16 00        ; 8 of 16 00        ; 9 of 16 00        ; 10 of 16 00        ; 11 of 16 00        ; 12 of 16 00        ; 13 of 16 00        ; 14 of 16 00        ; 15 of 16 00        ; 16 of 16 00        ;???????????????????? 00        ; Quantity LSB 0000 = Continuous 00        ; Quantity MSB 1B       ; ESC 03        ; ETX XXh        ; Checksum (If enabled.) The Linx printer will respond with an “ACK” (05h) sequence was correct and the message name was valid or a “NAK” (16h) if the sequence was incorrect or if there was an issue, like the message name did not exist.   So once I get the cable and can see changes with the printer connected do I use an ARD instruction to get the response from the printer?
  2. Hi, New to the site,  seeking help with an Inkjet Coder that the company I work for recently purchased. A customer is wanting us to have the printer message selection automated, because parts got out with the wrong print on them. We purchased a Linx 5900 and want to use the serial port on a slc 5/03 to send a command to select the message based on a selector switch's position. I've been pretty desperate trying to find help with this issue, because this is my first time messing with a printer. I've got the AWA instruction set up and it will send a string, but I'm not sure what to have in the string or if I have everything configured right. I've attached the program for you guys to look through, the AWA instructions are at the end of LAD 13. I'm using the serial port to make changes to the program then hooking it into the printer to try the changes out so its a bit frustrating, but I don't have a pc with windows xp sp2 so using the DH485 port is not an option. Any help will be greatly appreciated.   CNTRPUSH_4_2017.RSS