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Everything posted by PaulDietz

  1. Closing issue -  Updated ECOM100 ECWX IBox and opened private fire wall.  Also put the listen on a seperate thread.  Listener is working now.
  2. Please find listed below the NModbus4 console code.  The DataStoreWrittenTo event is not firing when I do the write to PLC C0 relay coil.  Can anyone tell me how to get the event to fire?  using Modbus.Data; using Modbus.Device; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace NModbus4ListenerDemo { class Program { #region "Properties" static TcpClient tcpClient = new TcpClient(); static ModbusIpMaster PLCModbusMaster = ModbusIpMaster.CreateIp(tcpClient); static string C0_RelayCoil_Address = "3073"; static ushort C0_RelayCoil_BitAddress = Convert.ToUInt16(Convert.ToInt16(C0_RelayCoil_Address) - 1); #endregion #region "Setup Listener" static IPAddress MiddlewareSlaveIPAddress = IPAddress.Parse(""); static TcpListener MiddlewareSlaveTcpListener = new TcpListener(MiddlewareSlaveIPAddress, Convert.ToInt32("502")); static ModbusSlave middlewareslave = ModbusTcpSlave.CreateTcp(Convert.ToByte("255"), MiddlewareSlaveTcpListener); #endregion static void Main(string[] args) { string PLCMasterIPAddress = ""; tcpClient.BeginConnect(PLCMasterIPAddress, 502, null, null); Thread.Sleep(100); #region "Set Relay Coit C0 to false" PLCModbusMaster.WriteSingleCoil(C0_RelayCoil_BitAddress, false); Thread.Sleep(50); bool[] C0_RelayCoil_BitValue = PLCModbusMaster.ReadCoils(C0_RelayCoil_BitAddress, 1); string C0RelayCoilBitValue = C0_RelayCoil_BitValue[0] ? "True" : "False"; Console.WriteLine("C0 Relay Coil = " + C0RelayCoilBitValue); Thread.Sleep(50); #endregion #region "Create DataStore and start listing" MiddlewareSlaveTcpListener.Start(); middlewareslave.DataStore = DataStoreFactory.CreateDefaultDataStore(); middlewareslave.DataStore.DataStoreWrittenTo += ModbusDataStore_DataStoreWrittenTo; middlewareslave.Listen(); Thread.Sleep(50); #endregion #region "Set Relay Coit C0 to false" PLCModbusMaster.WriteSingleCoil(C0_RelayCoil_BitAddress, true); Thread.Sleep(50); C0_RelayCoil_BitValue = PLCModbusMaster.ReadCoils(C0_RelayCoil_BitAddress, 1); C0RelayCoilBitValue = C0_RelayCoil_BitValue[0] ? "True" : "False"; Console.WriteLine("C0 Relay Coil = " + C0RelayCoilBitValue); Thread.Sleep(50); #endregion Console.ReadLine(); #region "ModbusDataStore_DataStoreWrittenTo" void ModbusDataStore_DataStoreWrittenTo(object sender, DataStoreEventArgs e) { Console.WriteLine("ModbusDataStore_DataStoreWrittenTo event fired!"); } #endregion } } } I've attached ladder logic screen shots showing the C0 relay coil being set on by the console application. The console application displaying the messages.  Note the absence of the "ModbusDataStore_DataStoreWrittenTo event fired!" message. WireShark showing the TCP Modbus traffic between the modbus master and slave over port 502.   The PLC NetEdit3 Modbus information Paul  
  3. Here is the solution...  
  4. I have an Automation Direct DL06 setup in a peer to peer configuration.  The PLC is the master and the PC is the slave.  The ladder logic is straight forward, just sending a double word (4 bytes) from the master starting a V3000 to PC.  I've set V3000 to "Test".  See the attached DebugLadderLogic1 image.  When the ladder logic runs the ModbusDataStore_DataReceived event fires.  The code below is my best attempt to get the value "Test" from the modbus data store.  Instead of getting "Test", I get 25940 and 29811...  I would appreciate any assistance getting the "Test" value out of the data store modbus memory.