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About CJlikesCHAIRS

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  1. GE Proficy 9.0 - Remote I/O Communication Failure Help

    Anyone know how this works?  Any help would be very much appreciated.
  2. Hello everyone, I have a GE IC695 CPE305 PLC with 3 remote panels. I am using ethernet to communicate with an IC695 PNC001 (in the main panel) and 3 remote IC695 PNS001 s. My only question is: Am I able to tell when I lose communication to a specific panel (or the communication card realistically)? I need to have seperate alarms to say "Filter 1 RIO - Communication failure" (etc. for 3 panels). I can do this in AB Logix5000 easily but don not know my way around GE software/hardware as well. I am having some trouble finding this in  the manuals and I'm a PLC noob, so I have trouble explaining what I need to people who are way above my level. Thank you to anyone who can help me in advance!