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About enky007

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  1. CNTX instruction issue in SFC

    If I understand correctly, here's how I think I solved my problem: I've put the Counter action to my initial Step with the Qualifier ''S'' which means it's gonna keep the action always active. So as soon as I start my SFC simulation the counter instruction will remain with a ''off'' (instead of being inactive). Then to activate the counter, I just have to get on the Step#.X I've input. The instruction will pass from a ''off'' to a ''on'', resulting in a count down.   Here's my simulation on video: https://youtu.be/WJPzQaCrXxE   lmk what you guys think?  
  2. CNTX instruction issue in SFC

    ohh thx If I put a 1sec ''Pulse'' (P_1s) it does count down. So I would have to find a way to turn off and on the step or the line, but only once, hmm        
  3. CNTX instruction issue in SFC

    Yes, it's checked.   >> I've uploaded a YouTube video with the issue: https://youtu.be/dV7poubuKAU   When I try with TIMX the timer works like it should... Why is the CNTX instruction not counting down?  
  4. Hi, it's my first time posting S:   Here's the issue: When I start a simulation and activate a CNTX instruction with Step.X or P_On nothing happens, it's either stuck at the set value or doesn't behave properly. Is there a way to decrement a CNTX instruction in SFC with the Step itself? I know I can use other means but, I was specifically asked to use a CNTX instruction.   Type: CJ1M CPU23 Cx-Programmer V.9.5   lmk if you guys need more details, thx