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  1. PLS and RST command

  2. PLS and RST command

    I haveabasic question that is not clearly explained in the prog manual.... (at least where I looked) -|Y8A|-----------------------------[PLS M155]- Pulse Bit -|M155|------[< D34 K32000]---[+ K1 D34 D34]-- Increment counter -|/Y8A|----------------------------[RST M155]- Reset pulsed bit I am pulsing an internal bit (M155) based on and output going on (Y8A) then increment a roll counter. Do i need the last line to RST the bit or will the PLS reset the bit (M155) after the next PLC scan? thanks
  3. C24-R2 to PC Comm port

  4. C24-R2 to PC Comm port

    Hi all, I have seen 2 pinouts for the serial cable needed.....which is the correct one... Both pinouts are "null modem" configurations with 2/3 pins crossed and 4/6 pins as well. Pin 5 always goes to 5. However then it starts to differ...I see pin one connected to pins 7 and 8 (jumpered) and vice versa. and I also see pin s 7/8 crossed with pin one going to pin 6. Help!
  5. A2SH(S1) and Serial Card

    Hey guys, I need to put a A1SJ71(U)C24-R2 card into an empty slot on my A2SH(S1). -Why do some models of this card have a "U" in them and some don't? -What are the steps I need to follow to place this card aget it going....I've heard I have to write some code to "initialize" the card. Id this true? -I am try to connect to a PC via the C24-R2 card - what kind of cable would I need. Any help is greatly appreciated....cheers!