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  1. FX3U-485ADP-MB Setup

    I want to retrieve data from PLC to PC. So the PLC is master, right?
  2. FX3U-485ADP-MB Setup

    Hi, I am having problem setting up connection between FX3u-485ADP-MB and TGW-718. Can anyone teach me how to setup FX3u-485adp-mb ? I connect sda+rda  to TXD1+/D1+   and sdb+rdb to TXD1-/D1-  and set the resistance to Open. what else do I need to setup ? any code ?
  3. Monitor Data using fx3u.enet.l

    I notice if I put 2 or more consecutive readdeviceblock  cause the error. If I put delay between readdeviceblock, I can manage to reduce the amount of error.  this code gives error everytime while 1 do begin readdeviceblock('X0',4,x[0]); readdeviceblock('Y0',4,y[0]); end;   this code gives error sometimes (not as much) while 1 do begin readdeviceblock('X0',4,x[0]); delay(500); readdeviceblock('Y0',4,y[0]); delay(500); end;
  4. Monitor Data using fx3u.enet.l

    The code similar to this: Actfxenettcp.cputype := 520; Actfxenettcp.hostport := 1300; Actfxenettcp.timeout := 5000; Actfxenettcp.hostip := ''; If = 0 then timer.enabled := true;   Ontimer: timer interval 500 Var a: smallint; Begin Actfxenettcp.readdeviceblock2('D300',1,a); Label1.caption := a.tostring; End;
  5. Monitor Data using fx3u.enet.l

    I use delphi to program and connect to fx3u-enet-l using actfxenettcp component. I can connect and retrieve data using readdeviceblock2 from the plc. The problem is, If i put the readdeviceblock2 in a loop to always monitor data, it only work for 1 or 2 minutes. Then the connection close. How to monitor data in real time using actfxenettcp?   Operational setting: Communication data binary. Initial timing always wait for open. Send frame ethernet. Tcp existence use the ping. Open setting: Protocol tcp. Opensystem unpassive. Fixed buffer read. Procedure exist. Pairing open disabled. Existence no confirm.