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About Barracuda

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  • Country United States
  1. Citect scada runtime problem

    Are u using Psdirect? 
  2. I have an TCPwedge application controlling 4 devices and I am sending the operational commands using the WWexecute function.Every time I start my WViewer or reboot my computer It works fine for a couple of hours and suddenly it just stop working, I removed most of the scripting related to my 4 devices ,checked the settings, topics and access names in both applications (wonderware and TCP wedge) with the same results. I notice the retun bit from the wwexecute =0, meaning that my application is busy but If I use directly TCPwedge window I do not have problems turning ON or OFF my devices. Well at this point I do not know what to do so I hope somebody can help me to understand whats going on with my problem. Thanks