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About korted123

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  1. VBA control of serial port

    That works great! I can edit to my hearts content, too. Now all I need to do is get this to run as well in RSView32 as it does in Excel... Thanks Guys!!!
  2. VBA control of serial port

    We're getting closer...when I try to add MSCOMM to the form, I get: "The control could not be created because it is not properly licensed" The help for this item does not exist. How do I "properly license" this? I have tried both references and additional controls, where MSCOMM is selected, but the error remains. I keep looking within VBA, but see no other means of installing or registering this.
  3. VBA control of serial port

    ...and I have the reference "MS COMM Control 6.0" added...
  4. VBA control of serial port

    I ran the following: Private Sub Form_Load() Dim mscomm1 As Mscomm Dim str As String mscomm1.CommPort = 1 mscomm1.Settings = "9600,n,8,1" mscomm1.InputLen = 0 mscomm1.PortOpen = True mscomm1.Output = "hello" mscomm1.PortOpen = False End Sub ...and received the following error: "Object variable or With block variable not set (Error 91)" I can delete the mscomm1 declaration, but only get a different error. What am I missing?
  5. Hello, I am trying to send/receive information via my serial port, and am having a strrange problem: I can read and write successfully via VBA only after establishing a connection with hyperterminal and then closing hyperterminal. I am using simple commands like: Open "COM1" For Output As #1 Print #1, "Text" Close #1 The VBA itself will not establish the serial connection, but works fine after initialization by hypertermial. Any ideas??
  6. I have run across this exact error before as well. Excel changes the CSV - it is still stored in CSV format, but there are added characters that RS5000 does not like. I am not sure what characters they are, or where in the file they are, but it is a very repeatable problem. I have had much better luck modifying the CSV with a text editor like notepad or wordpad.
  7. You will need to check the on and off state voltage as the pulse reaches the input. The light may flicker, but does the square wave drop off past the threshold of the high speed input? It is hard to do this with a voltmeter, as the pulses come in rather fast. It is easy to do with an oscilloscope, but you may not have one. A loading resistor might help "pull down" the voltage on the wire and allow the input module to see a transition. Hope this helps.
  8. If you have the choice, use DH+. Both DH+ and remote IO are possible from a PLC5, but remote IO is more cumbersome than DH+. DH+ allows bidirectional communication at the same address - the PLC can change N7:0 and the operator can see that it changed, and the operator can change N7:0 and the PLC will see that the operator changed it. This scenario is not possible with remote IO. Remote IO is not necessarily bad, but it will take you longer to develop the same functionality.